Host Destination: Montreal

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25 June 2023

PCMA | EduCon 2023, Montreal, Canada

EduCon’s energetic, immersive and provocative program attracts thought leaders, event marketers, experience designers and business events strategists from around the world. EduCon is known industrywide for its innovative approach to education — and the small-group learning that builds lasting relationships.

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Destination Canada: Leaving Sector Legacies

Virginie De Visscher is Senior Director of Business Development – Economic Sectors at Destination Canada. She is also an Iceberg ambassador. In two video viewpoints, she outlines Canada’s economic sector-specific approach to destination marketing and the increasing focus the organisation is now placing on both leaving business event legacies and on measuring their final impact….

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Montreal’s AIDS 2022 Leaves Worldwide Treatment Legacies

Montreal just hosted AIDS 2022 (the 24th International AIDS conference). Around 8,000 attended on site, with another 1,000 online. The legacies of the conference include additional government funds for remote HIV testing in Canada and for ending AIDS worldwide. All outcomes will be measured by Montreal-based Iceberg partner #MEET4IMPACT. From Tourisme Montréal…

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Associations and the SDGs: A Framework for Legacy

Iceberg partner European Cities Marketing has just staged its International Conference and General Assembly in Hamburg, rebranding during the event as the City Destinations Alliance. Visit Flanders and #Meet4impact presented a legacy collaboration there, and the latter’s Geneviève Leclerc now explains how the SDGs make a great framework around which to anchor the legacy of association meetings….

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Leveraging Intellectual Capital – The Second Edition

Global convention sector consulting firm GainingEdge has launched its second annual report on leveraging the intellectual capital of convention destinations, based on an analysis of international association leadership. The research underpinning the Iceberg partner’s report identifies the relative strengths of 350 destinations via the presence of their local intellectual leaders in the governing bodies of international associations that…

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Prague Tops Intellectual Capital Report

Prague is better than any other city at engaging with its locally-based association leaders to secure big meetings and conventions, says a new report. The Czech Republic’s capital has a 95 percent “harnessing ratio”, according to the Leveraging Intellectual Capital second edition just compiled by Iceberg partner GainingEdge. From Association Meetings International…

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Brussels International Association Forum Finally Staged

After two extremely hard years for associations, the first edition of the Brussels International Association Forum, from ASSOCIATIONWORLD, has been held, making a community out of its attendees. The changing sector models, good governance, diversity and inclusion, as well as skills of pandemic leadership, all made for lively panel discussions. From Boardroom…

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AMI Podcast: Legacy, #MEET4IMPACT and Geneviève Leclerc

Geneviève Leclerc, the Managing Director of the International Society of Limnology, tells AMI’s Deep Dive podcast about #MEET4IMPACT, the not-for-profit Iceberg partner she co-founded in 2019. This facilitates associations and host destinations in creating more sustainable and more impactful meetings to the benefit of society. From Association Meetings International…

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In Person at Last: GIAF Draws Sixty European Associations Together

Postponed a few times for obvious reasons after having been staged online in 2020, the GIAF (Geneva International Association Forum) was the first physical association event of the kind post-lockdown. Delegates were certainly happy to be together again seeing old friends and making new ones. But the event programme also did not disappoint. From Boardroom…

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24 August 2021

ICCA Canada Summit – Deconstructing and Reconstructing Meetings,...

After a turbulent and challenging year, it’s tempting to try and put life together the way it was before the pandemic. Instead, ICCA members are developing innovative solutions to transform business events and build a stronger future. We are excited to meet both digitally and in Montréal, Canada – a city that’s emerged as a…

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AIDS 2022 Helps Bridge Delegate Digital Divide

Organisers of the 24th International AIDS Conference will create lasting legacies by helping on site and virtual delegates from poorer countries to attend the 2022 event. An “ambitious” scholarship programme will let more attendees take part either in Montreal or else online. The society will also provide internet data and hardware devices. Association Meetings International…

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“Intellectual Capital” Report Published

A new report names London the “intellectual capital” of the world. The study ranks destinations by the number of international association board members living in them. But the UK capital could attract more meetings by better “harnessing” its potential conference ambassadors. The report is from Iceberg partner GainingEdge. From Association Meetings International…

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Palais Pivot: Facing the New Normal through Hybrid and Virtual

As associations pivot their offerings to virtual or hybrid with the ongoing onslaught of COVID-19, so venues are also doing the same. President and CEO of the Palais des congrès de Montréal Robert Mercure spells out how the facility’s media services are adapting to address client needs through the sector’s new normal. From Boardroom…

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A Balancing Act: Dutch Events and Associations Talk Autumn Strategy

In mid-June the Netherlands started to welcome international travellers back to its borders. There is no limit for maximum attendees at meetings and events, but associations even so are wary, and with countries like the US, India and Australia still unable to travel, planners are considering best strategy for the coming autumn. From Boardroom…

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Montreal Canada’s First GDS-Index City

Montreal, World Environment Day 2020 host, has become the first Canadian city to join Iceberg partner the Global Destination Sustainability Index. Initiated by the not-for-profit Tourisme Montréal, the city has now pledged to benchmark sustainability performance in tourism, meetings and events. From Association Meetings International…

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#MEET4IMPACT: Legacy, Impact and Tourism New Zealand

Geneviève Leclerc is Chief Executive Officer of #MEET4IMPACT, and the best person to ask the difference between “legacy” and “impact”. This Iceberg partner is now working with Tourism New Zealand on the project “Enrich New Zealand – Conference Impact”. This will measure outcomes of three meetings held over two years. From PCMA…

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Tackling Homelessness: Protesting at the UN Climate Conference

Homeless hackathons, like those being held this year in Edinburgh, Montreal, Barcelona, Dundee and London, are one way for meetings to tackle this pressing social issue. The MD of organiser Gallus Events recently had a personal experience of homelessness outside COP25, the UN Climate Change Conference, in Madrid. From Association Meetings International…

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Montreal’s Palais Joins with #MEET4IMPACT

The Palais des congrès de Montréal is joining with local not-for-profit and Iceberg partner #MEET4IMPACT to conduct a major worldwide study running throughout 2020. This will round up promising initiatives that business events can tap into in order to measure their social legacy and impact. From Boardroom…

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BE Montreal Launches Attendance Guarantee

In what is claimed to be a first for the meetings and events industry, Business Events Montreal has just launched its Guaranteed Success Pledge. So confident is the city that planners will reach their attendance target numbers, that it will honour its financial commitment for the anticipated number if they don’t. From Boardroom…

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Montreal’s Palais Opens CITE Centre

The Palais des congrès de Montréal is opening its CITE Event Innovation and Technology Centre, in order to help organisers with reinventing the experience they offer through the expertise of local startups. A dozen firms have joined or will be joining the centre, ultimately in a full-scale co-working space. From Boardroom…

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Aerospace Hubs: Star Cities and Orbiting Meetings

Toulouse, Montreal, Singapore, along with Seattle, South East England and Bengalaru in India, are all destinations with clusters of innovation in aerospace. Where knowledge collects, so do associated meetings, so these hubs of expertise in this exciting sector are also attracting significant international events. From Association Meetings International…

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