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Wellington NZ: The Intellectual Capital

The increasing trend of association meeting planners aligning destination selection to the intellectual capital of a city, or destination, is reflected in the trilogy of video reports recently shared by The Iceberg’s association media partners at AMI Magazine. Here we share all 3 reports, revealing New Zealand’s capital city expertise in Science, Climate Innovation, and…

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First Future Meeting Space Research Meeting in Frankfurt

From German Convention Bureau: Emerging opportunities, persisting classics, fading models: business events in a transformative era. This year’s research phase of the Future Meeting Space innovation network – the result of a collaboration between the GCB German Convention Bureau and the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO – focuses on the question: “What’s coming, what’s…

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Collaboration at the Forefront of Scientific Progress

From The Sydney Morning Herald: Great discoveries – the ones that alter the course of human history – rarely happen with the sudden “Eureka!” moment you see in the movies: a lone inventor’s sudden flash of genius, giving birth to a fully formed breakthrough no one has ever thought of before. In the real world,…

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Meet Wellington’s Science Leaders Attracting International Events

From AMI Magazine: New Zealand is strengthening its reputation as it puts science and innovation at the top of its agenda. And it’s proving attractive for associations bringing their conferences to its capital city, Wellington. Wellington boasts the largest research, science and innovation workforce in New Zealand. Whether it’s life sciences, climate innovation, or the…

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Business Events Benefit from New Zealand’s Focus on Climate Action

From Conference & Meetings World: New Zealand is strengthening its reputation as it puts climate action, science and innovation at the top of its agenda. And it’s proving attractive for associations bringing their conferences to its capital city, Wellington. The country has a master plan to deliver a productive, sustainable and inclusive future through tackling…

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The Ultimate Guide to Avoiding Predatory Conferences

If you work in science, be it as a student, postdoc or seasoned professor, you’ve probably received an email from a predatory conference provider. The message comes in many forms, often arriving many times a week, but will read something like the following… From Technology Networks…

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IAS 2023 in Final Push to Eradicate HIV Transmission in Australia

Thousands of researchers have gathered in Brisbane for the world’s largest and most influential HIV sciences conference, shining a spotlight on global advances in HIV research. Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC) is playing host to more than 3,000 members of the international research community… From Meetings International…

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Making Barcelona ‘Parkinson’s Ready’

The 6th World Parkinson Congress 2023 provided an unparalleled international and interdisciplinary forum to highlight the latest developments in Parkinson’s Disease worldwide. But the benefits for Barcelona go far beyond the economic impact and overnight stays, as the event will leave an invaluable legacy in the city’s social and scientific fields. From HQ Magazine July…

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World Congress on Endometriosis in the 2025 Calendar for Sydney

Secured by the Australian Society of Endometriosis working with the bidding specialists at BESydney, the Sydney Congress will be held at the International Convention Centre Sydney and will attract more than 1000 people to the harbour city generating an estimated $3.9million in direct expenditure over four days. From Business Events Sydney…

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A Medical Event Sharpens Sustainability Contributions

An association for cataract surgeons ensures its events have a more positive social, environmental, and economic impact through measurement and strategy. What does it take to ensure an event has increasingly positive sustainability impacts? For the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS), vision, collaboration, and action are key. It has taken the medical…

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CityDNA Summer School: Destination Turin

The 36th edition of the CityDNA Summer School was hosted in late August. This year the Iceberg partner educational meeting graduated 43 students from Europe and South Africa. As well as video about the Summer School itself from Turin, Italy, this feature looks at participating medical associations and their meetings, sustainability and also hybrid meetings….

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