Host Destination: Sweden

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International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare 2022

From Göteborg & Co: Small steps towards a healthier lifestyle – a Gothenburg Way to Legacy project: The International Forum is one of the world’s leading health care meetings, inspiring healthcare leaders, practitioners and patients towards a better, safer and higher quality of care. Furthermore, the meeting has a strong population health prevention and promotion…

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How Meetings Can Contribute to Long-Term Impact

From Göteborg & Co: Meetings create opportunities for an organisation to achieve its visions and goals, and for the destination to address societal challenges. To create long-term societal impact, broad collaboration is required between the organisation and the destination’s various stakeholders. It is also essential to work strategically and systematically. Clear goals increase engagement and…

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DI’s Jane Cunningham Talks Legacy and Net Zero Carbon Events

Jane Cunningham has worked for hotels, a convention centre, a DMO (destination marketing organisation) and a PCO (professional conference organiser). She has also worked for two Iceberg partners, BestCities Global Alliance and Destinations International. Here she offers her thinking on legacy and Net Zero Carbon Events. From Meetings International…

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Book Extract: “Business Event Legacies” by Goodfellow

Last year Goodfellow Publishers released “Business Event Legacies: Global industry case studies”, from Carmel Foley, Deborah Edwards and Karin Weber. Previous work by Foley and Edwards includes the first JMIC Case Study published here on The Iceberg, and this book cites all of those studies. Here the volume’s content is outlined. From Meetings International…

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24 November 2022

CDA | 9th TIC Expert Meeting, Gothenburg, Sweden

The TIC Expert Meeting offers a mix of incentive and exchange opportunities for all attendees. This is why the diversity of participants is of great importance. This event is for managers and TIC front office professionals coming from small and large cities and working for either public or private tourist information organisations – whether they…

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Good Practice Guidance: Addressing COVID-19 Requirements for Re...

In March 2020, the Iceberg partners AIPC and UFI released good practice guidance to help members manage the unfolding crisis, and in April 2020, further guidance on repurposing a convention or exhibition centre to serve as a temporary emergency facility. It is a role that many centres embraced to serve their community in a time…

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UFI’s 2020 NGL Grant Recipients Talk Hybrid Exhibitions

UFI’s NGL Grant promotes the next generation of leadership within the exhibition sector, rewarding young professionals who show initiative driving change and innovation in their own area. 2020’s recipients have been saying why they applied for the Iceberg partner scheme, and also discussing the role that hybrid offerings play in the sector. From UFI…

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International Meetings: For Sector to Recover, What Must be in Place?

To have international association meetings looking anything like they did before COVID-19, either of two things must happen: enough host countries push their daily case rate down to nearly zero so overseas delegations become possible, or else science comes to the rescue with a vaccine or treatment(s). From editor’s blog at Association Meetings International…

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2 June 2020

*EVENT CANCELLED* UFI HR Forum 2020, Gothenburg, Sweeden

As lockdown continues across the globe in response to the ongoing pandemic COVID-19, this year’s HR Forum that was due to take place in Gothenburg on 2 – 3 June 2020 has been cancelled. Further details on the upcoming activities of the UFI HR Management Working Group will be shared at a later date.

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4 March 2020

Could “Flight-Shaming” See Turbulence Ahead for Events?

Flight-shaming, which many believe started in Sweden, has not reached the US yet, which basks in the glow of a demand boom. Greta Thunberg, the pioneering young eco-warrior (pictured), crossed the Atlantic in a yacht to avoid flying to two major climate summits. How realistic is idealism? From editor’s blog at Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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3 June 2020
13 June 2018