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BESarawak Hosts Inaugural ICCA Association Masterclass

In a three-part video report from the Legacy Capital of Malaysia, #Meet4Impact’s Geneviève Leclerc and GainingEdge Chairman, Gary Grimmer, share the journey of the inaugural 2-day ICCA Association Impact Masterclass, hosted by the Sarawak Ministry of Tourism and funded by BESarawak, led by CEO, Amelia Roziman. Leclerc and Grimmer emphasize the importance of establishing the…

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Unlocking Government Support the Sarawak Way

Chief Executive Officer of Business Events Sarawak and The Iceberg Ambassador Amelia Roziman ABS CIS combines with GainingEdge Chairman, Gary Grimmer, to share the success of her organisation as she prepares to host of the first ever ICCA Association Impact Masterclass being held in Kuching in April. Alignment to the 10-Year Development Strategy of the…

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26 April 2024

Association Impact Masterclass, Sarawak, Malaysia

Co-created by ICCA, Meet4Impact and GainingEdge, the Association Impact Masterclass is a new groundbreaking training programme, aligning seamlessly with the ICCASkills certification programme. This initiative will add valuable enhanced capabilities to the skillsets of association professionals worldwide, enabling them to design, deliver, and measure the impacts of their activities. Associations play a crucial role globally…

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7 November 2023

AIPC ASIA Summit, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Join industry leaders, event professionals, and innovators to explore cutting-edge trends, strategies, and technologies driving the future of event management. Delve into global outlook, technological advancements, customer insights, sustainability, economic impact, AI utilization, business development, and thought-provoking debates. Unleash the potential of your events.

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Motac Wants Exhibition Industry to be More Aggressive

Tourism, Arts and Culture (Motac) Minister Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing has urged the Malaysia Convention and Exhibition Bureau (MyCEB) to be more aggressive in hosting international events. “As international travels are returning to normal, the ministry is proactively supporting business events activities that will bring more delegates into the country.” From The Malaysian Reserve…

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Sarawak Secures 100 Business Events for 2023

Sarawak’s business events industry wrapped up 2022 on a high note after securing 100 business events for 2023, exceeding the initial target of 90 at an achievement rate of 111 per cent. Business Events Sarawak said the 100 business events were worth an estimated RM359 million in total economic impact. From New Sarawak Tribune…

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2 March 2023

Book Extract: “Business Event Legacies” by Goodfellow

Last year Goodfellow Publishers released “Business Event Legacies: Global industry case studies”, from Carmel Foley, Deborah Edwards and Karin Weber. Previous work by Foley and Edwards includes the first JMIC Case Study published here on The Iceberg, and this book cites all of those studies. Here the volume’s content is outlined. From Meetings International…

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Gary Grimmer Talks GainingEdge, Sector Resilience and More

Gary Grimmer, the Executive Chairman of Iceberg partner GainingEdge, has been revisiting both his own career path through four convention bureaux, plus the journey of his consultancy from its early days through to navigating the COVID-19 crisis. In this interview he also talks through the GainingEdge report “Leveraging Intellectual Capitals”. From Conference & Meetings World…

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Recovery Strong, Says UFI Global Barometer

UFI, the global association of the exhibition industry, has released the latest edition of its flagship research Global Exhibition Barometer. This shows the sector bouncing back quickly, with revenue for the first half of 2023 expected to reach 87 percent of comparable 2019 levels (2019 being the industry’s strongest year to date). Fom Exhibition World…

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Sarawak’s Tourism Minister Discusses Legacy Strategy

Sarawak’s Minister of Tourism, Creative Industries and Performing Arts, the Honourable Dato Sri Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah, has been discussing the Malaysian state’s approach to recovery and its strategy of promoting business event legacy creation. Subjects covered include ventures with Iceberg partners GDS-Index and ICCA. From Boardroom…

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