Host Destination: Switzerland

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2 September 2024

The Future of Healthcare Meetings, Zurich, Switzerland

ICCA is proud to announce the ICCA Future of Healthcare Meetings to be held on 2-4 September 2024, in Zurich, Switzerland. The Future of Healthcare Meetings will bring together all stakeholders including healthcare professionals, healthcare association leaders and meeting suppliers to collaboratively explore how healthcare meetings should evolve to stay relevant and engaging for future…

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DAVOS 24 Faces Complex Geopolitical Context

From Reuters: U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, French President Emmanuel Macron and key Middle East leaders are slated to attend next week’s World Economic Forum, putting talks to end wars in Gaza and Ukraine at the top of the agenda for the global elite. The 54th annual WEF gathering in the Swiss ski resort…

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11 June 2024

UFI European Conference, Zurich, Switzerland

Open to all exhibition industry professionals, the conference is the most important annual gathering of exhibition industry leaders in the region. Connected to the main event, Zurich will also host the 2nd edition of the Event Directors Summit – a “by invitation only event” for 50 exhibition and portfolio directors, launched at the 2023 European…

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Sarawak Launches Event Legacy Journal

Sarawak in Malaysia has published the first volume of a new academic journal designed to help the sector “reset and recover” while identifying legacy opportunities. Business Event Sarawak joined with several bodies, including Iceberg partner ICCA, to create the International Journal of Business Events and Legacies IJBEL. Photo: Nicky Tay. From Association Meetings International…

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5 September 2022

ICCA Global Association Community Forum 2022, Lausanne, Switzerland

This newly launched initiative will bring together global association executives and meeting suppliers in a collaborative setting to explore innovative meeting design with a focus on regeneration and legacy impact. Aimed at association executives and ICCA members globally with an interest in the future outlook for association meetings and creating meaningful and sustainable meetings together,…

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Business Event Legacy Journal Launched

A journal documenting the wider societal benefits of international association meetings and of other business events has been launched in Malaysia. Curtin University and Business Events Sarawak are the main “International Journal of Business Events and Legacies” partners. The publication will share case studies from 44 organisations. From Association Meetings International…

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Advancing Women’s Rights: The Business Events that Mattered

International Women’s Day, which has now been marked for over a century, offers the opportunity to remember the key conferences and other events that have helped move the needle on women’s rights. The 1995 Fourth World Conference on Women (pictured) in Beijing, China, featured participation by future Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. From PCMA…

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COP26: A Watershed Moment Both for the World and Sector

It is hard to think of a conference with higher stakes than the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties. As well as the future of the entire planet, it also could define that of business events. Net Zero Carbon Events from JMIC, and Iceberg partner Positive Impact, played their part. From PCMA…

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Turning Our Talk Into Action Over Net Zero Carbon Events

The Joint Meetings Industry Council pledge over Net Zero Carbon Events is not the end of the events industry, as some alarmists have decried, but rather a new beginning. But the key will be measurement. Here is how assorted Iceberg partners worked together to make progress on the issue, including Positive Impact. From Exhibition News…

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Carbon Offsetting for Events: Which Projects Are the Most Effective?

One way to take action on climate is to purchase carbon offsets, paying to help the planet when you do something that harms it, like air travel. But not all carbon offset programs are equal. Critics argue that some projects don’t deliver any benefit at all, while others do more damage than good. From PCMA…

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In Person at Last: GIAF Draws Sixty European Associations Together

Postponed a few times for obvious reasons after having been staged online in 2020, the GIAF (Geneva International Association Forum) was the first physical association event of the kind post-lockdown. Delegates were certainly happy to be together again seeing old friends and making new ones. But the event programme also did not disappoint. From Boardroom…

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Good Practice Guidance: Addressing COVID-19 Requirements for Re...

In March 2020, the Iceberg partners AIPC and UFI released good practice guidance to help members manage the unfolding crisis, and in April 2020, further guidance on repurposing a convention or exhibition centre to serve as a temporary emergency facility. It is a role that many centres embraced to serve their community in a time…

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13 July 2021

AIPC Annual Conference 2021, Lausanne, Switzerland & Online

This year’s AIPC Annual Conference will have a theme “ELEVATION”, reflecting the ambition of the AIPC Community to re-open for business and to bring organized events to the next level. It will be a hybrid conference, with 3 stand-alone programmes, ensuring that participants across the globe can actively participate. This year’s conference will indeed be a…

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Watching Business Events Reopen in a COVID-19 World

After months of lockdown, many countries are just now gradually reopening events. This is not just countries that have suppressed the pandemic, but also many where the situation remains uncertain during a second wave of cases. So how do events look in a COVID-19 world? From Rod Kamleshwaran of the Iceberg partner GainingEdge via LinkedIn…

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Coronavirus: Swiss Ban Cancels Motor Show

The Geneva International Motor Show has been cancelled days before opening after the Swiss government put an immediate ban on events involving more than 1,000 people to halt the spread of the new coronavirus. Planners called it a case of force majeure, or unpredictable circumstances that obviate liabilities in contracts. From Meetings & Conventions…

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Coronavirus: Managing Event Risk While Event Planners Still Can

What next? The question is haunting meeting and event planners as the COVID-19 shows its contempt for national borders. There’s now grim fascination in seeing organisations responding quite differently to the unfolding crisis, and what this then says about our attitude to “known unknowns”. From editor’s blog at Association Meetings International…

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4 October 2018

7th City Cards Expert Meeting, Zurich, Switzerland

Our broad approach will include presentations and discussions on latest product developments, successful partnerships, innovating marketing strategies and much more. This event is open to ECM members only, specifically to tourism professionals working on city cards schemes (Product Managers, Project Leaders, Marketing Managers…) who are looking to improve – but also share – their knowledge with other…

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