Host Destination: Paris

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ISO ‘Event Sustainability’ Standard Updated Ahead of Paris 2024

From M&IT: A revised version of the international standard for sustainable event management has been published, with a stronger emphasis on legacy, human rights, and compliance. Pioneered by the organising committee for the Olympic Games London 2012, ISO 20121 has become a lodestar for organisations, big or small, wanting to produce sustainable events. The standard…

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Paris 2024 Olympics Takes Bold Strides Toward Sustainability

From PCMA: The Olympic Games, the largest sporting event in the world, is aiming to make next year’s edition in Paris its most sustainable ever. What can the events community learn from its plans and its progress? In ways both small and large, the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games is a series of firsts….

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Net Zero Carbon Events Launches Roadmap

During COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, the Net Zero Carbon Events initiative launched its Roadmap. This is designed to aid suppliers, venues, and businesses along their journey to reaching Net Zero by 2050. Net Zero Carbon Events, itself launched at COP26 in August 2021, now has 400 supporting organisations from 55 countries. From Exhibition News…

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61st ICCA Congress Held in Kraków

Association meetings are facing tough economic headwinds with renewed sense of purpose, while focusing on legacy, sustainability and diversity, equity and inclusion. That was the unmistakable message from the 61st Congress of Iceberg partner the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA), held in the city of Kraków, Poland. From Association Meetings International…

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Vienna Leads 2021’s ICCA Rankings

ICCA (International Congress and Convention Association) rankings just posted saw destination Vienna reclaim the top spot worldwide for the first time since 2012. The 2021 Iceberg partner survey attributed 92 congresses to Vienna, with Lisbon second (91) and Athens third (66). Barcelona and Singapore are next, then Madrid, Prague, Paris, Berlin and Brussels. From Meetings International…

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Environment Answers: Five Experts Address Twenty Questions

International conferences are the most carbon-intensive activity for associations. Here five sustainability experts answer twenty fundamental questions to let organisations begin their journey towards net zero and assess their progress along the way. Included are views from Iceberg partners GDS-Index and Positive Impact. From Association Meetings International…

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Leveraging Intellectual Capital – The Second Edition

Global convention sector consulting firm GainingEdge has launched its second annual report on leveraging the intellectual capital of convention destinations, based on an analysis of international association leadership. The research underpinning the Iceberg partner’s report identifies the relative strengths of 350 destinations via the presence of their local intellectual leaders in the governing bodies of international associations that…

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Prague Tops Intellectual Capital Report

Prague is better than any other city at engaging with its locally-based association leaders to secure big meetings and conventions, says a new report. The Czech Republic’s capital has a 95 percent “harnessing ratio”, according to the Leveraging Intellectual Capital second edition just compiled by Iceberg partner GainingEdge. From Association Meetings International…

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ICCA and UFI Suspend Russian Members

As refugees flee the war in Ukraine, Russian members of Iceberg partner ICCA (the International Congress and Convention Association) will not be attending association events until further notice. The ICCA board also cancelled all planned activities and meetings in Russia. Iceberg partner UFI has as well suspended Russian members. From Association Meetings International…

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Advancing Women’s Rights: The Business Events that Mattered

International Women’s Day, which has now been marked for over a century, offers the opportunity to remember the key conferences and other events that have helped move the needle on women’s rights. The 1995 Fourth World Conference on Women (pictured) in Beijing, China, featured participation by future Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. From PCMA…

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Net Zero Carbon Events: COP26 Interviews II

The Net Zero Carbon Events pledge from the Joint Meetings Industry Council, which presents The Iceberg, has just been delivered at COP26. At the 60th Congress of our partner ICCA (International Congress and Convention Association), The Iceberg spoke to Aileen Crawford of the Glasgow Convention Bureau and to Guy Bigwood of the Global Destination Sustainability Movement. Speaking…

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60th ICCA Congress Runs Again as Hybrid

Associations and the meetings sector have gathered across hub cities and via a virtual platform for the 60th ICCA Congress. Around 1,200 delegates from 83 countries attended the Iceberg partner event to enjoy 100 hours of live content. Hopes for one unified Congress in Colombia, were dashed by travel restrictions. From Conference & Meetings World…

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Copenhagen Legacy Lab Wins GDS Award

Copenhagen Legacy Lab, the project run by convention bureau Wonderful Copenhagen, has won the Global Destination Sustainability Movement’s Innovation Award for 2021. The trophy was presented at the 60th ICCA Congress’ Paris hub in recognition of CLL’s efforts to focus the industry on legacy work. All three are Iceberg partners. From Association Meetings International…

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Net Zero and Changing Industry Narratives on Climate Change

With recent sustainability initiatives in the event sector, including the signing of JMIC’s Net Zero Carbon Events Pledge at COP26 and others joining UNFCCC’s The Race to Zero, are this industry’s narratives around the climate crisis changing, and will net zero be enough to improve the global situation and safeguard our industry? From Event MB…

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Turning Our Talk Into Action Over Net Zero Carbon Events

The Joint Meetings Industry Council pledge over Net Zero Carbon Events is not the end of the events industry, as some alarmists have decried, but rather a new beginning. But the key will be measurement. Here is how assorted Iceberg partners worked together to make progress on the issue, including Positive Impact. From Exhibition News…

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A Line of COPs: An Isla Conference of Parties Historical Guide

Just what is COP26, and why should it matter to meetings professionals? Sustainability not-for-profit isla put together this handy historical guide in advance of the Glasgow COP26 conference. Which destinations have hosted previous COPs, and what legacies did they create, if the climate emergency is still upon us? From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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JMIC Launches Net Zero Carbon Pledge

The global meetings industry is being urged to join together in an historic pledge to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050. JMIC (Joint Meetings Industry Council), which presents The Iceberg, has launched an initiative called Net Zero Carbon Events to connect the industry to the growing movement to radically reduce emissions. From Association Meetings International…

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COP26 Chief Flies to Thirty Countries

It has been revealed that COP26 President Alok Sharma has taken flights to 30 countries over the last seven months. The UK government minister running the UN’s climate change conference in Glasgow has been accused of hypocrisy, racking up tens of thousands of air miles in quick succession. From Association Meetings International…

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European Conferences May Need COVID Pass

Delegates hoping to attend an association conference in Europe may be asked to produce a “COVID pass” as more governments impose restrictions on unvaccinated people meeting indoors. The rapid spread of the Delta variant has spooked leaders kickstarting their battered economies while protecting the gains made by the vaccines. From Association Meetings International…

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Climate Change Can’t Be Solved Without Face-to-Face

On paper, travelling to meetings is less friendly to the environment than meeting virtually. But events face-to-face have value add hard to quantify. Human interaction is vital for challenging entrenched ways of doing business. To tackle climate change, we must surely collaborate in person as well as online. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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