Host Destination: England

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Convention Cities Index Lead by Germany

Three German cities are among the top ten destinations chosen for large international meetings, according to new figures in Northstar Meetings Group’s Convention Cities Index. Frankfurt tops the list, with Cologne fifth and Hanover eighth. The update is the third publication of the index, which was launched in 2020. From Association Meetings International…

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New Year Brings New Curbs to Halt Omicron

The dawn of 2022 saw organisers of international association meetings grappling with more restrictions as governments tried to curb spread of the new Omicron variant. Across the world countries tightened their rules about who could travel and where people could meet as the highly infectious strain caused a massive surge in cases. From Association Meetings International…

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Liverpool in England Signs up to GDS-Index

Liverpool has now become the first English city to join Iceberg partner the Global Destination Sustainability Index. The announcement comes after Liverpool declared a climate emergency in 2019. The imminent opening of the city’s new carbon conscious venue the Spine will also add to the city’s sustainable efforts. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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UK’s ERP Phase I Report Finally Published

The UK government’s full Events Research Programme report was finally published following mounting pressure from the industry and MPs. Phase I recorded only 28 COVID-19 cases across nine pilot events with 58,000 participants. The Liverpool business event pilot chosen, Change Business for Good (pictured), saw no transmission cases. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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Full England Reopening Date: June 21st

Almost all restrictions on events in England could be lifted by June 21st, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said. Some may be permitted to go ahead with restricted capacities of up to 1,000 people or 50 percent attendance from May 17th. More pilot events will run with testing. From Conference News…

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UKickstart Unifies UK Business Events Sector

Collaboration and unity were shining through as 1,419 event professionals, including 305 on site across twelve venues, attended UKickstart. Started by etc.venues and with support from twelve sector associations, the new event for many was a first meeting face-to-face since the crisis began. Photo: Hosted by NML, via Twiitter. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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UK Mandates Masks in Conference Venues

The UK Government has made it mandatory to wear masks which cover mouth and nose when inside conference and event venues. The call comes a few weeks after it was announced that England’s exhibition and conference facilities are allowed now to host business meetings and events for up to 30 people. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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Checking the Labels: The UK’s Coronavirus Event Safety Standards

In the UK many industry associations have produced their own COVID-19 safety guidelines. While a measure showing initiative and real thirst to restart, this has caused confusion among planners over which label to seek out. List compiled before the Government-approved All Secure Standard was launched. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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England: Heritage, History, Geography and Knowledge

It has ancient academic powerhouses with adjacent knowledge clusters like Oxford and Cambridge. It has the meetings-friendly pairing of Newcastle and Gateshead in the North, not to mention Liverpool, Leeds, Birmingham, Bristol, Manchester and of course London. England’s expertise is making it a world-class meeting destination. Photo: VisitBritain / Guy Richardson. From Boardroom…

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