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AIC2022 Experts to Explore “Atypical Interaction”

A major conference on how people with cognitive, linguistic and physical impairments interact will be held soon in Newcastle, UK. The Atypical Interaction Conference, to be staged at Newcastle University, runs every three years and is attended by experts on dementia, autism, aphasia, schizophrenia, visual and speech impairments among others. From AMI Intellectual Capitals…

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The Importance of International Conferences and Business Events to Restarting City Economies

A new research report published by Cities Restart called The Importance of International Conferences and Business Events to Restarting City Economies has revealed that spending on international conferences and business events for the UK is estimated to have been worth £19.4 billion in 2019, but following the interruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, by 2026 is forecast…

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Gateshead Quays Gets Council Green Light

Gateshead Council’s planning committee has approved the development of a £260 million regeneration scheme which will create around 2,000 jobs in the North East of England region, and give a £60 million boost to the local economy each year. A conference and exhibition centre is part of the Gateshead Quays scheme. From Conference News…

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Gateshead Quays Plans Submitted by Developer

The 2023 Gateshead Quays arena, conference and exhibition centre has passed a major milestone with Gateshead Council’s development partner Ask:PATRIZIA submitting a planning application for the venue. The £260 million build is hoped to add over 1,000 jobs and £29 million GVA to the regional economy every year. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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England: Heritage, History, Geography and Knowledge

It has ancient academic powerhouses with adjacent knowledge clusters like Oxford and Cambridge. It has the meetings-friendly pairing of Newcastle and Gateshead in the North, not to mention Liverpool, Leeds, Birmingham, Bristol, Manchester and of course London. England’s expertise is making it a world-class meeting destination. Photo: VisitBritain / Guy Richardson. From Boardroom…

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Newcastle Plans Cell Research Showcase

NewcastleGateshead will showcase its world-leading mitochondrial research at the Euromit conference in 2020. The largest event in its field will take place in June at the Sage Gateshead, and is expected to draw over 650 clinicians and scientists from across the world over four days. From AMI Intellectual Capitals…

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Gateshead Quays to Create 1,000 New Jobs

The £260 million Gateshead Quays will create more than 1,000 new jobs for the UK’s North East. The development, to be completed by 2023, has 6,300 square metres of exhibition space and 2,800 square metres of meeting rooms. There are also hotels, a performance area, and offsite parking. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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Gateshead Quays to Attract NE Events

England’s North East is to target major events with an ambitious conference precinct receiving funding from the UK Department for International Trade. The £250 million, 3.84 hectare Gateshead Quays project will increase the region’s ability to attract and host major conferences and exhibitions, as well as music and cultural events. From Association Meetings International…

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NewcastleGateshead Hosts Climate Event

The International Glaciological Society’s British branch has announced it will be holding its annual meeting this September in NewcastleGateshead. Hosted by research leader Northumbria University, the conference will attract around 100 delegates to the region to discuss the pressing issue of climate change, including a collaborative US-UK research project underway in the Antarctic. From Boardroom…

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Newcastle Hosting Artificial Life Meeting

The 2019 Conference on Artificial Life will take place at Newcastle University from July into August. Over 200 international delegates from across various disciplines are expected to meet and discuss the latest developments in the field. Organisers will also use remote talks and presentation streaming to make the meeting more sustainable. From Boardroom…

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Newcastle Wins Major Design Conference

An international design conference that has been held before in New York and Oslo is heading to Newcastle in 2019. More than 150 delegates are expected to descend on the North East English city for the annual Design History Conference, set to be held at Northumbria University in September. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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Newcastle Has Record Meetings September

A record 52 events brought more than 3,500 delegates to the UK’s North East last month and led to an economic impact of more than £4.3 million. Over 1,500 attended major medical meetings. Where delegates booked accommodation through NewcastleGateshead Convention Bureau, half were international and from 43 different countries. From…

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