Host Destination: Brazil

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Recovery Strong, Says UFI Global Barometer

UFI, the global association of the exhibition industry, has released the latest edition of its flagship research Global Exhibition Barometer. This shows the sector bouncing back quickly, with revenue for the first half of 2023 expected to reach 87 percent of comparable 2019 levels (2019 being the industry’s strongest year to date). Fom Exhibition World…

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Global Exhibitions Day Marked Across Globe

The seventh edition of GED (Global Exhibitions Day) on 1st June 2022 celebrated the manner exhibitions and face-to-face business events drive the global economy. GED this year focused on facilitating growth and recovery, and was marked by the Messe Frankfurt team during IMEX (pictured), amongst many others. From Exhibition World…

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UFI Global Barometer Notes Recovery

Iceberg partner UFI, the global association of the exhibition sector, has released the latest edition of its flagship Global Barometer. Figures highlight the quickening pace of the industry’s recovery in 2022 after the continuing impact of the pandemic throughout 2021. The results vary between locations, primarily driven by reopening  dates for exhibitions.. From Exhibition World…

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COP26 Chief Flies to Thirty Countries

It has been revealed that COP26 President Alok Sharma has taken flights to 30 countries over the last seven months. The UK government minister running the UN’s climate change conference in Glasgow has been accused of hypocrisy, racking up tens of thousands of air miles in quick succession. From Association Meetings International…

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UFI LATAM Exhibitions Report Updated

Iceberg partner UFI, global association of the exhibition industry, has released the second edition of its report on the exhibition industry in Latin America. The study now covers sixteen markets in the region, reveals very healthy growth prospects prior to the pandemic hit and also the prominence of women in senior roles. From Exhibition World…

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8 August 2020

9th ICCA Latin American and Caribbean Meeting, Iguazu Falls, Brazil

Merging a world-class, custom-designed education programme, knowledge and business exchange, networking opportunities with senior meetings industry professionals and association executives from across the globe and all industry sectors, and the sights and sounds of our dynamic host destination, the 9th ICCA Latin America Meeting & 14th Business Workshop is a must-attend event for meetings industry professionals.

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Coronavirus: Changing Meeting Planners into Event Strategists

The spread of COVID-19 has many planners confronting big questions about the risk assessment, the crisis management and communication involved in bringing thousands of people together. Bill Reed, Chief Event Strategy officer at ASH, the American Society of Hematology, has just had to pull the plug on a meeting. From PCMA…

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Coronavirus: Managing Event Risk While Event Planners Still Can

What next? The question is haunting meeting and event planners as the COVID-19 shows its contempt for national borders. There’s now grim fascination in seeing organisations responding quite differently to the unfolding crisis, and what this then says about our attitude to “known unknowns”. From editor’s blog at Association Meetings International…

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