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Battle Fatigued Planners Face Omicron Variant

The spread of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 is causing havoc for meeting planners, with major events being cancelled or postponed right across Europe. The World Economic Forum has postponed its high profile meeting in Davos, Switzerland. The in person event, scheduled for mid January, has been pushed back to the Summer. From Association Meetings International…

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23 June 2022

ICCA Destination Marketing European Business Workshop, Bordeaux,...

ICCA Business workshops are a quick and effective way to get a well-informed overview of what offers are available on the market from ICCA members and to exchange knowledge best practices between associations and meeting suppliers. During the workshop, a series of one-to-one business meetings will take place where all associations executives will have the…

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2021 Global Recovery Insights Released

The third Global Recovery Insights 2021 report, conducted by Iceberg partner UFI with SISO (the Society for Independent Show Organisers), has been released. The study found that demand has returned to levels pre-pandemic for both exhibitors and visitors, with no signs of any fundamental shift away from in person events. From Exhibition News…

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A Line of COPs: An Isla Conference of Parties Historical Guide

Just what is COP26, and why should it matter to meetings professionals? Sustainability not-for-profit isla put together this handy historical guide in advance of the Glasgow COP26 conference. Which destinations have hosted previous COPs, and what legacies did they create, if the climate emergency is still upon us? From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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European Conferences May Need COVID Pass

Delegates hoping to attend an association conference in Europe may be asked to produce a “COVID pass” as more governments impose restrictions on unvaccinated people meeting indoors. The rapid spread of the Delta variant has spooked leaders kickstarting their battered economies while protecting the gains made by the vaccines. From Association Meetings International…

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Exhibition Sector Recovery: Confidence and Advocacy

Confidence about recovery is revealed in Iceberg partner UFI’s latest Global Exhibition Barometer (see News and Research). But should rebuilding rely solely on rolling out COVID-19 vaccines, or also on advocacy that events can run safely and on “testing over quarantine”. UFI CEO Kai Hattendorf has been planning the months ahead. From Event MB…

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UFI Global Barometer Reveals Confidence

Confidence among exhibition organisers that profits will double this year has been revealed in the latest UFI Global Barometer survey of 457 companies. The exhibition organisers’ association and Iceberg partner reported said that though over half of members have had to reduce workforce, the crisis has reinforced faith in face-to-face events. From Meetings International…

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Dubai “Safest” Location Hosts AI Event

Dubai is the safest location in the world in which to host international exhibitions, according to a survey of 4,000 professionals in 130 countries by Messe Frankfurt Middle East. This July the Dubai World Trade Centre hosted the AiEverything conference, the region’s first in person business event since March. From Association Meetings International…

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International Meetings: For Sector to Recover, What Must be in Place?

To have international association meetings looking anything like they did before COVID-19, either of two things must happen: enough host countries push their daily case rate down to nearly zero so overseas delegations become possible, or else science comes to the rescue with a vaccine or treatment(s). From editor’s blog at Association Meetings International…

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24 September 2020

AIPC Annual Conference 2020 | Paris, France & Online

An invaluable feature of AIPC is the sense of community which in turn is part of a global meetings industry ecosystem. Now more than ever, this sense of community is needed to jointly address the challenges we are facing, as a result of Covid-19. The 2020 AIPC Annual Conference will be the perfect place to…

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22 October 2020

ICCA Destination Marketing European Business Workshop, Bordeaux,...

A minimum of 10 and maximum 15 ICCA Destination Marketing members each invite an accompanying association executive to the Workshop to discuss their specific meeting requirements. Association executives must conform to strict selection criteria, so ensuring that participating Destination Marketing members can promote their company and services to senior decision-makers who are actively looking for…

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Coronavirus: Managing Event Risk While Event Planners Still Can

What next? The question is haunting meeting and event planners as the COVID-19 shows its contempt for national borders. There’s now grim fascination in seeing organisations responding quite differently to the unfolding crisis, and what this then says about our attitude to “known unknowns”. From editor’s blog at Association Meetings International…

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