Host Destination: Shenzhen

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5 March 2024

AIPC ASIA Summit, Shenzhen, China

This summit brings together convention center leaders from across Asia to connect, share knowledge, and tackle key challenges. The program covers rapidly evolving technology, changing market landscapes, sustainability, and more. Attendees will benefit from lectures, interactive workshops, and networking opportunities. The summit aims to encourage excellence in convention center management, exchange knowledge and strengthen the…

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Convention Cities Index Lead by Germany

Three German cities are among the top ten destinations chosen for large international meetings, according to new figures in Northstar Meetings Group’s Convention Cities Index. Frankfurt tops the list, with Cologne fifth and Hanover eighth. The update is the third publication of the index, which was launched in 2020. From Association Meetings International…

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Good Practice Guidance: Addressing COVID-19 Requirements for Re...

In March 2020, the Iceberg partners AIPC and UFI released good practice guidance to help members manage the unfolding crisis, and in April 2020, further guidance on repurposing a convention or exhibition centre to serve as a temporary emergency facility. It is a role that many centres embraced to serve their community in a time…

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AIPC Interviews: James Rees with Carina Bauer, Shenzhen World

Iceberg partner AIPC has recently published two video perspectives about how business events are now evolving. ICCA President and ExCeL London Executive Director James Rees (pictured) talks to IMEX CEO Carina Bauer. ICCA and IMEX are also Iceberg partners. The second feature is on the Shenzhen World Exhibition and Convention Center. From AIPC…

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