Host Destination: Odense

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Book Extract: “Business Event Legacies” by Goodfellow

Last year Goodfellow Publishers released “Business Event Legacies: Global industry case studies”, from Carmel Foley, Deborah Edwards and Karin Weber. Previous work by Foley and Edwards includes the first JMIC Case Study published here on The Iceberg, and this book cites all of those studies. Here the volume’s content is outlined. From Meetings International…

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Denmark Lowers Public Gathering Limits

The limit on public gatherings in Copenhagen and Denmark’s third largest city Odense has lowered to 50 people after a recent increase in COVID-19 infections. The limit had been raised to 100 in July with the hope of rising to 200 in August. A cap for meetings and conferences remains at 500. From Association Meetings International…

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International Research Conferences: The Academic Impact

The study explores the benefits and barriers for individual researchers and universities when hosting research conferences. The study has been commissioned by the Danish Council for Research and Innovation Policy – an advisory body to the Danish Minister of Higher Education and Science. Thereby the study situates the hosting of research conferences as a potential…

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