Host Destination: Norway

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15 June 2023

ICCA Destination Marketing Small European Business Workshop, Stavanger...

ICCA Business workshops are a quick and effective way to get a well-informed overview of what offers are available on the market from ICCA members and to exchange knowledge and best practices between associations and meeting suppliers. ICCA Business workshop offer an informal and small platform for associations and meeting suppliers to interact, and thus attendance is capped at 30 persons (15 ICCA…

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Gothenburg Leads 2022 GDS-Index

Gothenburg is the world’s most sustainable events city for a sixth year running as once again the Scandinavian destinations dominated Iceberg partner the Global Destination Sustainability Index. Bergen in Norway clinched second spot, with Copenhagen in third. The 2022 GDS-Index list was announced at the 61st ICCA World Congress in Krakow, Poland. From Association Meetings International…

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Watching Business Events Reopen in a COVID-19 World

After months of lockdown, many countries are just now gradually reopening events. This is not just countries that have suppressed the pandemic, but also many where the situation remains uncertain during a second wave of cases. So how do events look in a COVID-19 world? From Rod Kamleshwaran of the Iceberg partner GainingEdge via LinkedIn…

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1 September 2022

ICCA Destination Marketing Small Business Workshop, Stavanger, Norway

ICCA Business workshops are a quick and effective way to get a well-informed overview of what offers are available on the market from ICCA members and to exchange knowledge and best practices between associations and meeting suppliers. During the workshop, a series of one-to-one business meetings will take place where all associations executives will have…

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Stavanger: Europe’s Energy Capital Fuels Meetings

Wedged in amongst some of Norway’s most impressive fjords, Stavanger boasts a range of water-based and engineering industries, like shipbuilding and the building of rigs, platforms and subsea installations. But energy is the key sector, and “Europe’s energy capital” has a committed convention bureau keen to attract association meetings. From Boardroom…

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16 September 2021

ICCA Destination Marketing Small Business Workshop, Stavanger, Norway

The small workshop is open to all European members of the destination marketing sector who are interested in attracting smaller conferences to their destination. In order to be fair and give as many European destination marketing sector members as possible the opportunity to attend an ICCA Business Workshop, priority will be given to members who…

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The Destinations Powering Sustainable Energy Meetings

Many cities powering ahead in renewable energy have appropriate geographic or climatic conditions. But traditional oil and gas-rich destinations are also attracting meetings in the sector. Here’s how Abu Dhabi, Calgary and Singapore, plus Costa Rica, Norway, Monaco, Australia and New Zealand, are all meeting the shifts in power. From AMI Intellectual Capitals…

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6 March 2019

ICCA Scandinavian Chapter Annual Meeting, Bergen, Norway

We look forward to three interactive, informative and inspiring days with new knowledge, network and examples of best practice. Once you travel back home from the chapter meeting, our aim is that you will have concrete ideas and tools to implement in your daily work. The invited speakers will give inspiration, as well as present how…

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