Host Destination: Serbia

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Sarawak Launches Event Legacy Journal

Sarawak in Malaysia has published the first volume of a new academic journal designed to help the sector “reset and recover” while identifying legacy opportunities. Business Event Sarawak joined with several bodies, including Iceberg partner ICCA, to create the International Journal of Business Events and Legacies IJBEL. Photo: Nicky Tay. From Association Meetings International…

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Gary Grimmer Talks GainingEdge, Sector Resilience and More

Gary Grimmer, the Executive Chairman of Iceberg partner GainingEdge, has been revisiting both his own career path through four convention bureaux, plus the journey of his consultancy from its early days through to navigating the COVID-19 crisis. In this interview he also talks through the GainingEdge report “Leveraging Intellectual Capitals”. From Conference & Meetings World…

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Business Event Legacy Journal Launched

A journal documenting the wider societal benefits of international association meetings and of other business events has been launched in Malaysia. Curtin University and Business Events Sarawak are the main “International Journal of Business Events and Legacies” partners. The publication will share case studies from 44 organisations. From Association Meetings International…

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Legacies in Beekeeping: SBFA’s World Congress Bid Outcomes

When the SBFA (Serbian Federation of Beekeeping Association) entered the “Incredible Impacts” grants run by the Iceberg partners ICCA and BestCities Global Alliance this year, its bidding stage legacy story wasn’t eligible. Even so, SBFA’s efforts are discussed by the association and Serbia Convention Bureau. From BestCities Global Alliance…

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3 October 2019
29 August 2019