Host Destination: Belarus

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City Destinations Alliance: Standing with Ukraine

Iceberg partner European Cities Marketing has just staged its International Conference and General Assembly in Hamburg, rebranding during the event as the City Destinations Alliance. The meeting formulated policy on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, also making a video of solidarity, and held a remarkable session hearing from two industry colleagues based in Lviv, Ukraine. Russia’s…

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Ukraine: Events Sector Offers Support

A large number of meetings industry groups have now made statements condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, are raising awareness or funds, or have barred Russian state participation in meetings. More and more convention venues in Europe have now converted their facilities to house the millions of Ukrainians escaping the ravages of war. From PCMA…

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ICCA and UFI Suspend Russian Members

As refugees flee the war in Ukraine, Russian members of Iceberg partner ICCA (the International Congress and Convention Association) will not be attending association events until further notice. The ICCA board also cancelled all planned activities and meetings in Russia. Iceberg partner UFI has as well suspended Russian members. From Association Meetings International…

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MWC Barcelona Draws 61,000 Delegates

The organiser of Mobile World Congress, the GSMA, has seen a “vibrant and dynamic” return after 61,000 delegates from 200 nations flocked to the meeting in Barcelona. Last year the event attracted around 20,000 visitors. The Russian pavilion was banned from the event, in light of the escalating conflict in Ukraine. From Association Meetings International…

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Ukrainian Scientists Urge Russian Boycott

Ukrainian scientists have called for an international boycott of scientific conferences inside Russia and asked for Russian institutes and scientific leaders to condemn the invasion of Ukraine. Meanwhile international associations and other academic bodies are scrambling to cancel conferences in Russia and find alternative venues or pivot their meetings to virtual events. From Association Meetings International…

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Lessons from Ukraine: Associations Need to Take a Stand

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has seen international associations with either Russian or Belarusian members, or exhibitors, or events planned, forced to take hard decisions fast, and hold difficult discussions about ending or suspending long-standing, lucrative collaborations. Ioannis Pallas, the European Society of Association Executives’ Association Manager, offers a guide. From Associations Meetings International…

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