Host Destination: Uganda

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Uganda Looks to MICE Sector to Boost Tourism

From PML Daily: Players in the Meetings, Incentive Travel, Conferences, and Events (MICE) sector have rallied Ugandan authorities to fully back their new arrangement that is intended to grow the sector. This, they say will attract more tourists to Uganda and help boost the country’s foreign earnings, among other critical benefits. The Chairman Uganda Association…

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IMEX Policy Forum 2022 – What Does Success Look Like?

Over 35 policy makers from nineteen countries gathered at the IMEX Policy Forum 2022, held on May 31st as part of IMEX in Frankfurt. The meeting takes place annually and provides a collaborative, global discussion platform to encourage policy creation that directly benefits the global meetings and business events industry. The aim of this year’s…

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PCMA CL21 Delegates Leave Clean Water Legacy in Uganda

During the virtual CL21 (Convening Leaders 2021), over fifty delegates contributed to “Hospitality Helping Hands”, PCMA’s pre-conference social responsibility opportunity. Participants created online art, in doing so raising money for water filtration systems in East Uganda. The sponsor was Iceberg partner Maritz Global Events. From PCMA…

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