Sector: Digital

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A New Word for the Serendipity of Events: “Liminality”

If attendees are missing the chance encounter at virtual events, the lack of “liminal” space in the environment may be the culprit. This can also be missing at in person events. Julius Solaris, VP of Marketing Strategy, Events at event tech company Hopin, gives us a new idea for planned serendipity, “liminality”. From PCMA…  

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PCMA CL22: Digital Attendee Experience Surveyed at Tech Village

Companies at Convening Leaders’ Tech Village at Caesars Forum were asked to identify what has changed about digital attendee experiences during 2021. The need for quality content with no “fluff” or “friction”, the opportunity for event delegates to socialise, and the chance to reach a global audience were among the key takeaways. From PCMA…

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Future Meeting Space Presents Research

After eighteen months of research, the Future Meeting Space innovation network of the German Convention Bureau and the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO has presented its latest study project. The main findings of the research highlight the relevance of events in organisations’ communications mix. From GCB…

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