Host Destination: Bogotá

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Edinburgh’s BestCities Departure “Shock”

As a founding member of twenty years’ standing, the departure of Edinburgh from Iceberg partner BestCities Global Alliance came as quite a shock. BestCities’ new MD Lesley Williams felt the loss very keenly, having in the past spent seven years as Head of Business Tourism at Marketing Edinburgh’s Convention Bureau. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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BestCities Marks 20th as Madrid Wins Forum

Iceberg partner BestCities Global Alliance is marking its 20th year on the back its Copenhagen Global Forum in December. Madrid has been announced as taking on the baton of the 2020 event, under the banner strapline of “Developing Legacy Together”. In Copenhagen, eighteen international association executives attended. From Meetings International…

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Four Destinations for Conferences with a Conscience

A history of war or peace, or of injustice or justice, has made four cities ideal destinations for conferences with a conscience: The Hague, global home of conflict resolution, Bogotá, after half a century of Colombian conflict, Belfast, after the Northern Ireland peace process, and Kigali, after Rwanda’s genocide. From Association Meetings International…

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Bogotá: BestCities Global Forum 2018

In December Iceberg partner BestCities Global Alliance participants gathered in Bogotá, Colombia for the annual Global Forum. Held in collaboration with the Greater Bogotá Convention Bureau, the event honed in on the concept of creating change regardless of your surroundings, a perspective made more relevant in a capital recovering from a complicated past. From Boardroom…

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IMEX 2018: Three GainingEdge Legacy Case Studies

The Rehabilitation International World Congress (pictured), held in Edinburgh in 2016, fundamentally advanced approaches to accessibility and inclusion. The event’s legacy – and indeed the distinction between legacy and impact – was one of three case studies discussed at an IMEX 2018 session hosted by Iceberg partner GainingEdge. From Boardroom…

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Industry Partnership Formed to Promote Accessibility

BestCities Global Alliance has announced a joint study project in partnership with Rehabilitation International and GainingEdge. The goal is to produce a reference guide for organisers and the supplier community to make events more inclusive for delegates with special needs. The hope is that knowledge sharing and robust case studies will improve accessibility. From Boardroom…

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9 December 2018

BestCities Global Forum, Bogotá, Colombia

Building on the huge success and 100% satisfaction rates of the Global Forum in Dubai & Tokyo, BestCities is delighted to announce Bogotá as the host partner for this year’s event from 9-12 December 2018. Open to senior international association executives (or AMC on behalf of the associations), the Global Forum is the ideal opportunity for decision-makers considering hosting…

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BestCities Campaign Launch Celebrates the Power of People

To coincide with Global Meetings Industry Day, Iceberg partner BestCities Global Alliance has announced a new communications strategy to showcase the power of people. Led by the Greater Bogotá Convention Bureau, which will host the BestCities 2018 Global Forum in December, the campaign aims to celebrate the unique role people play in the events industry. From…

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International Events: Transforming Bogotá

Bogotá, capital of Colombia, is one of the most dynamic cities in Latin America with 7.6 million inhabitants. Now at a crossroads as the nation leaves behind more than 50 years of internal conflict, attracting international events that have an impact is part of an overall strategy of change. From Boardroom, with the Bogotá Convention Bureau…

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