Host Destination: Auckland

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Engineer Wins Auckland Conference Hat-trick

An engineer has helped to secure yet another major conference for Auckland, New Zealand. The win is his third in five years. Dr Nirmal Nair of the University of Auckland led a successful bid for TENCON 2021, run by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. The meeting should attract 600 delegates. From Association Meetings International…

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Tourism New Zealand Measures Event Legacy

Tourism New Zealand has just announced three international meetings whose impacts will be measured to maximise the positive societal impacts that conferences generate for communities. The organisation is working together with Iceberg partner #Meet4Impact, whose Chief Executive Officer is Geneviève Leclerc, on the Enrich New Zealand Conference Impact project. From Boardroom…

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NZICC Fire Won’t Stop 2021 APEC Meeting

A major fire at the New Zealand International Convention Centre construction site in Auckland’s central business district will not prevent the city hosting the APEC Leaders Week event in 2021, says the country’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. But NZICC’s opening, set for 2020, will be significantly delayed by the blaze. From Association Meetings International…

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New Zealand Secures Toxicology Congress

The world’s top forensic toxicology scientists will meet in New Zealand for the first time in 2023 when the seaport of Auckland hosts the 61st Annual Meeting and Congress of the International Association of Forensic Toxicologists. The five-day event is expected to attract 650 delegates and deliver NZ$1.28 million in visitor spend. From Association Meetings International…

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Auckland: Livestock Genetics Congress WCGALP 2018

Last year the Aotea Centre (above) in Auckland hosted over 1,400 leading scientists and researchers for the 11th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. Auckland Advocate Alliance member and Massey University Professor of Animal Science Hugh Blair was the local committee chair, and integral to winning the conference. From Boardroom…

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Auckland CVB Wins NZ$45m of Events

Auckland Convention Bureau has won NZ$45 million of business events in the year ending June 2018. More than 100 meetings have been secured, all being held over the next nine years. The ACB says the events will bring more than 52,848 international and domestic delegates to the region between 2018 and 2027. From CIM News Magazine…

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Tourism New Zealand Discusses Social Impact

Capturing the positive social impact of international conferences was the focus of a recent workshop hosted by Tourism New Zealand in Auckland. The event was facilitated by Geneviève Leclerc, a conference and association management expert, who believes traditional measurement does not capture the true weight business events add to the community. From CIM News Magazine…

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Auckland Books Global Library Congress

The nine-day World Library and Information Congress will be held at the New Zealand International Convention Centre in July and August 2020. The flagship meeting is estimated to be worth around NZD$7 million to the region, and is expected to attract more than 3,000 sector managers and professionals from across the world. From Association Meetings International…

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Auckland Meetings Worth NZ$46m Last Year

More than 28,000 delegates attended business events last year in Auckland, New Zealand. They contributed NZ$46 million to the region’s economy and also helped attract inward investment. Auckland’s Convention Bureau is part of the city’s economic growth agency – ATEED – and won 58 business events in the last financial year. From Association Meetings International…

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