The pandemic has made this year seem interminable. Days, weeks and months blur together. But the period between the last COVID-19 Recovery Dashboard, conducted between October 19th and 22nd, and the survey sent out between November 16th and 19th has been punctuated by a few major events. In the US, the election took place and the country (seems) to have a new President and administration come January. As the invitation to participate in the latest survey was sent out, the world had just gotten word of a second highly effective weapon in the fight. Moderna announced a week after Pfizer that its vaccine has proven to be around 95 percent effective in trials, similar to Pfizer’s results.

At the same time, coronavirus cases have been spiking throughout the US and in pockets around the world. Experts warn of the need to hunker down for a long winter and keep all social contact to a minimum.

On the one hand, there is reason for optimism. On the other there is resignation to the fact that there is more sickness, death and heartbreak in store before the end of the crisis. This seems to follow the way 570 participants (363 planners and 207 suppliers) responded to the survey this month. In some ways they were more and in other ways less hopeful.

COVID-19 Recovery Dashboard (November 16th – 19th): Survey and Analysis (PCMA website)

COVID-19 Recovery Dashboard (October 19th – 22nd): Survey and Analysis (PCMA website)

Event Organisers’ Big Leap Forward (PCMA Convene article)

COVID-19 Recovery Dashboard (September 21st – 24th): Survey and Analysis (PCMA website)

COVID-19 Recovery Dashboard (August 17th – 20th): Survey and Analysis (PCMA website)

COVID-19 Recovery Dashboard (July 13th – 16th): Survey and Analysis (PCMA website)

COVID-19 Recovery Dashboard (June 15th – 18th): Survey and Analysis (PCMA website)

COVID-19 Recovery Dashboard (May 18th – 21st): Survey and Analysis (PCMA website)

COVID-19 Recovery Dashboard (May 4th – 7th): Survey and Analysis (PCMA website)

COVID-19 Recovery Dashboard (April 20th – 23rd): Survey and Analysis (PCMA website)

How is COVID-19 Changing the Business Events Industry? (PCMA survey)

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