Host Destination: Chengdu

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Coronavirus: Asia’s Business Events to Rebound First

Asia’s business events industry has the potential to rebound faster than that of other continents, but being able to conduct business safely is important. So said the panellists at a Global MICE Situation in the Time of the Pandemic webinar, among them regional managers from the Iceberg partners ICCA and UFI. From Meetings International…

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The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the International Meetings Industry

Against the backdrop of the global COVID-19 outbreak, CIMERT (the Center of International Meetings Research and Training), supported by Iceberg partner ICCA (the International Congress and Convention Association) has released its first ever report The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the International Meetings Industry. The industry survey was initiated by Chengdu Municipal Bureau of…

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Coronavirus: CIMERT / ICCA Report Launched

Less than one month after Iceberg partner ICCA and CIMERT (Center of International Meetings Research and Training) began studying the effects of COVID-19 on the events industry, a first report has been released. The document maps pandemic impact on meetings across the world. From Association Meetings International…

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Coronavirus: ICCA Data Powers Joint Research

Iceberg partner ICCA and CIMERT (Center of International Meetings Research and Training) have jointly monitored since February the status of meetings in the ICCA Association Database affected by the COVID-19 crisis. Based at Chengdu University, CIMERT has had fifteen students and three lecturers working virtually on the project. From the Event…

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