ABEA Media Release
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From TTG mice: Sarawak’s business events legacy takes a significant step forward as Business Events Sarawak (BESarawak) and Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) combine forces to develop the first economic and legacy impact study of its kind in Malaysia. The partnership between BESarawak and UNIMAS will see two key projects implemented – an Economic Impact Study;…
From Boardroom, by Alexandra Henry, Senior Association Manager, European Society of Cardiology: Associations rely on volunteers for vision, strategy, and content creation. Previously, volunteers eagerly offered their time and efforts, sometimes even more than expected. However, this trend is shifting, and associations now face challenges in recruiting and retaining volunteers. Traditional approaches to volunteer management…
By David Edwards, Freelance tourism market intelligence consultant: Once upon a time in a faraway land the Office for National Statistics published provisional monthly estimates for the volume and value of inbound and outbound tourism six weeks after that month had reached its end. Ten weeks after the end of each quarter more granular data…
From TTG Asia: In celebration of the 50th anniversary of Malaysia-China diplomatic relations, both countries have introduced visa-free travel policies for their citizens. Malaysians enjoy visa-free entry to China until the end of 2025, while Chinese travellers to Malaysia benefit similarly until the end of 2026. These initiatives have sparked a significant surge in bilateral…
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