During 2018 MeetDenmark, with consultancy and Iceberg partner GainingEdge, began a major project on outreach. The purpose was to identify how Danish destinations can create significant added value for the international associations coming to Denmark.

The objective is to help associations achieve greater impacts in fulfilling their own goals and missions while also strengthening the value of visiting congresses for Danish society beyond the traditional direct economic benefits.

To succeed with the Danish vision of creating a powerful nexus between association and community goals the project amongst other things took a closer look at current international outreach and legacy activities. This was done to create a deeper understanding and to establish the foundations for a new value-creating model of strategic partnership between congresses and destinations.

The project involved desk research on fifty international associations and fifty destinations as well as interviews with twenty from each of the two groups.

This report presents the current global outreach landscape and points to challenges that should be addressed if the full potential is to be captured. The report also includes a range of different outreach activities categorised by various legacy impact goals and a select number of outreach cases from around the world. Finally, business cases in the form of benefits to meeting planners, government funders and sponsors are presented. This report presents selected parts of the MeetDenmark outreach study.

MeetDenmark Outreach and Legacy Report (Wonderful Copenhagen website)

The MeetDenmark Outreach Study (Wonderful Copenhagen website)

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