Host Destination: Zurich

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2 September 2024

The Future of Healthcare Meetings, Zurich, Switzerland

ICCA is proud to announce the ICCA Future of Healthcare Meetings to be held on 2-4 September 2024, in Zurich, Switzerland. The Future of Healthcare Meetings will bring together all stakeholders including healthcare professionals, healthcare association leaders and meeting suppliers to collaboratively explore how healthcare meetings should evolve to stay relevant and engaging for future…

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11 June 2024

UFI European Conference, Zurich, Switzerland

Open to all exhibition industry professionals, the conference is the most important annual gathering of exhibition industry leaders in the region. Connected to the main event, Zurich will also host the 2nd edition of the Event Directors Summit – a “by invitation only event” for 50 exhibition and portfolio directors, launched at the 2023 European…

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Coronavirus: Exhibition Sector Facing Difficult Crisis Decisions

Cancel, delay or go ahead? Planners of industry events are facing tough choices as significant gatherings of thousands or tens of thousands pose a major risk of spreading the COVID-19 virus. The cancellation of Mobile World Congress due to have been held in Barcelona shows how organisers are now under intense pressure. From Tech Xplore…

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4 October 2018

7th City Cards Expert Meeting, Zurich, Switzerland

Our broad approach will include presentations and discussions on latest product developments, successful partnerships, innovating marketing strategies and much more. This event is open to ECM members only, specifically to tourism professionals working on city cards schemes (Product Managers, Project Leaders, Marketing Managers…) who are looking to improve – but also share – their knowledge with other…

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