Host Destination: Santiago

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Chile Protest Violence Cancels Meetings

Weeks of anti-government protests in Chile have forced the embattled President Piñera to cancel both this month’s APEC trade summit and COP25 UN climate conference in December. The 2019 Cochrane Colloquium,a major healthcare meeting, was also due to be held in Santiago, but the growing death toll has forced its cancellation. From Association Meetings International…

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Glasgow SEC Secures 2020’s COP26 Meeting

Glasgow will welcome 30,000 delegates, including 200 world leaders, to discuss the climate change emergency when it hosts the 26th Conference of the Parties, or COP26, in November 2020 at the Scottish Event Campus. This year’s event will be held in Santiago, Chile, where the UK bid will be formally accepted. From Association Meetings International…

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