Host Destination: Kigali

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AfSAE Training Leaves Association Legacy

The African Society of Association Executives has created a training legacy for African associations. Eighty-nine professionals and nonprofit managers in Rwanda, Kenya and Nigeria successfully completed its certificate course in association management. Gregg Talley of Iceberg partner Talley Management Group and AfSAE President Jeffers Miruka facilitated the training. From Boardroom…

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Kigali: How Rwanda is Meeting its Future

Imagine a place where strong African culture meets modern urban life, and where years of troubled history have given way to cosmopolitan regeneration. Add in a pioneering new venue like the Kigali Convention Centre, and welcome to the capital of Rwanda, “land of a thousand hills”, in central East Africa. From Boardroom…

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Four Destinations for Conferences with a Conscience

A history of war or peace, or of injustice or justice, has made four cities ideal destinations for conferences with a conscience: The Hague, global home of conflict resolution, Bogotá, after half a century of Colombian conflict, Belfast, after the Northern Ireland peace process, and Kigali, after Rwanda’s genocide. From Association Meetings International…

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