Host Destination: Montreux

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Lausanne Montreux Congress Wins 16 Bids

New convention bureaux alliance Lausanne Montreux Congress won sixteen events in its first full year of operation, with the biggest likely to attract 1,400 delegates. The bids will see the cities host over 8,350 delegates between now and 2022, and pump around CHF 16.5 million (€14.5 million) into the regional economy. From Association Meetings International…

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Lausanne Montreux Congress: The Two Directors’ Vision

As The Iceberg reported in October, the Swiss regions of Lausanne and Montreux have joined forces to create the joint Lausanne Montreux Congress. Two LMC representatives, Director Lausanne Tourisme Steeve Pasche and Director Montreux-Vevey Tourisme Christoph Sturny, have been speaking exclusively about their future plans. From Meetings & Incentive Travel…

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Lausanne and Montreux Share Congress Office

The Swiss regions Lausanne and Montreux have joined forces to cater for the larger association market. Lausanne Montreux Congress will not be limited to marketing, but also organise conferences, with the aim of increasing both destination’s influx of larger events. There will continue to be two offices, and also an LMC team. From Association Meetings International…

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Montreux: Less Talk About Conferencing, More About Business

Sarah Fleming Associates has always maintained that in order to successfully engage a potential buyer and to attract conference business to any city or destination, it is important to be able to put forward a strong business case for holding an event or conference in the city. An effective lead generation programme should therefore focus on…

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