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Social Engineering: Forcing Attendees out of Their Comfort Zones

Most meeting organisers recognise the value of informal, chance interactions. However, they tend to leave these interactions to… well, chance, thinking that it is not possible to create serendipitous encounters in a more structured way. We disagree. By Eric de Groot and Mike van der Vijver, from Association Meetings International…

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What the Events Industry is Doing to Achieve Net Zero by 2050

Alexander Alles, Executive Director, Joint Meetings Industry Council, and Iceberg Ambassador, talks to Trade Show News Network, in the lead up to Earth Day 2023, about Net Zero Carbon Events (NZCE), an initiative to connect the events industry globally to the rapidly growing movement toward net zero by 2050. From Trade Show News Network…

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“What we do must matter more” – Senthil Gopinath

Senthil Gopinath, Iceberg Ambassador and CEO of ICCA, a Founding Partner of The Iceberg, tells Paul Colston, Managing Editor, Conference News & Conference & Meetings World, that innovation is key to making 2023 a dynamic and successful year. From Conference & Meetings World…

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What I Wish I Had Known 30 Years Ago

EN guest editor, CloserStill and Nineteen Group chairman, Phil Soar shares the lessons he wishes he had known 30 years ago: No, this isn’t about wishing I knew how to talk to girls (though it might have helped), nor that buying Apple and Microsoft shares would make me rich, nor betting at 10,000 to one…

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Business Events Industry Advocacy with Tommy Goodwin

Tommy Goodwin, Vice President, Exhibitions & Conferences Alliance, and Iceberg Ambassador, talks about the challenge of getting Visas to enter the U.S. and the impact that has had on the industry, the Kentucky legislature (failed) attempt to tax space rental for exhibitors and sponsors, and more. From Trade Show News Network…

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How to Build an Effective Grasstops Advocacy Program

Grasstops advocacy is necessary for associations to have success on Capitol Hill moving forward. For organizations newer to the concept, here’s a success-driven roadmap to follow. At the height of the pandemic, organizations were mobilizing advocates to connect with lawmakers to push for a variety of legislative concerns, such as financial assistance… From ASAE…

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The Societal Impact of Business Events

Anthropologist-turned-event-pro, Geneviève Leclerc co-founded #MEET4IMPACT to revolutionize event planning and measure their impact. Driven by her passion to create meaningful experiences, she challenges traditional destination selection and strives for greater potential in every event. Listen to the Skift Meetings Podcast…

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The Honest Broker: China Unlocks Investor Confidence in BE Sector

The Iceberg meets Mayfield Merger Strategies (MMS) owner, Steve Monnington, to understand the surge of private equity investments in the sector revealed this month including Blackstone’s $4.6bn takeover of Cvent, Providence Equity Partners’ acquisition of Hyve, and Informa’s trade acquisition of Tarsus.  Monnington: ‘There’s a lot of money looking for a home…’   Further…

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Why Isn’t Sustainability as Important in the U.S. as in Europe?

Meetings Today interviewed James Rees, executive director, conference and events, ExCel London and former president of the International Congress and Convention Association, about the Net Zero Carbon Events initiative and other major sustainability efforts underway in Europe and North America. Listen to the Meetings Today Podcast…

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It’s Time for Associations to Own Their Conference Footprint

Associations are, ultimately, responsible for the carbon emissions produced by their meetings. Yet, when it comes to doing something about them, too many focus almost entirely on the supply chain – relying on host cities, venues, caterers etc. to provide evidence of how they are reducing their emissions. By James Lancaster, from Association Meetings International…

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Tarsus & Informa Show the Road Ahead for Major Exhibition Groups

Exhibition News guest editor Phil Soar analyses the effects of Informa buying Tarsus on the wider industry and considers the road ahead for our major exhibition groups: “A couple of months ago that I suggested the trade show world was very likely to be back to normal by 2024 and, in many cases, well ahead…”

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Putting Menopause on the Agenda

Menopause will affect half the world’s population but it’s very rarely spoken about, even less so in professional settings. So how do we get it on the agenda and how do we create supportive, inclusive and encouraging working environments for menopausal women? From M&IT Magazine…

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Skift Take: Google Xi Days

The people in the room create the DNA of an event, and like-minded people usually generate one-dimensional thinking. So imagine the magic that happens when an eclectic group of thinkers from varied backgrounds, professions, and demographics gather together — exactly what happened during the Google Experience Institute (Xi) Days. From Skift Meetings…

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Events Sector Finally Getting Recognition – What’s Next?

It took a pandemic for governments to realise the value of business events. Now the sector has to keep up its advocacy and collaboration efforts. At the recent UFI Asia-Pacific Conference 2023 in Kuala Lumpur, leaders in the Asia’s events and exhibitions space shared about their effective advocacy strategies and learnings… From Meetings & Conventions…

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AMI Podcast | Kai Hattendorf on Net Zero Carbon Events

‘The Net Zero Carbon Events initiative is the collective effort of the global events industry, to make sure that our sector can do its part in that important journey to net zero to combat climate change. It is by now the most global, most inclusive initiative our industry has ever seen…’ From Association Meetings International…

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BESydney’s Dr Marlene Kanga Explores Gender Equality in STEM

The need for more women in STEM, especially in AI and advanced technologies, was a focus of the UN Women #CSW67 Commission on the Status of Women meeting, also described in Dr Kanga’s blog for the International Science Council – When will we get there? The UN says 300 years! From the International Science Council…

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