Tag: Webinar

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13 November 2018

Meetings Outlook: A Deep Dive into the Latest Business Trends 11/18, Webinar

Meeting professionals are so over-taxed in the present, they often forget—or don’t have the time—to look ahead. Take a moment to preview the future based on MPI’s most recent Meetings Outlook research, published quarterly in The Meeting Professional magazine and then discuss the trends that are most affecting you and your peers. Brainstorm ways to…

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14 August 2018

Meetings Outlook: A Deep Dive into the Latest Business Trends 8/18, Webinar

Meeting professionals are so over-taxed in the present, they often forget—or don’t have the time—to look ahead. Take a moment to preview the future based on MPI’s most recent Meetings Outlook research, published quarterly in The Meeting Professional magazine and then discuss the trends that are most affecting you and your peers. Brainstorm ways to…

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7 August 2018

Technology: Fad or New Normal, MPI Webinar

Meeting professionals see many challenges as they look to the future of events, and one of the biggest is how to make better technology decisions in the face of so much choice. Discover a framework to refer to when considering and investing in technology. From virtual reality and telepresence to RFID and near-field communication make…

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31 July 2018

MPI: Immigrant Workers in Hospitality & Service Organizations, Webinar

about 20 percent to 30 percent of hospitality and service industry workers are immigrants. As the Trump Administration moves to reduce immigration, explore the potential impact on the hospitality and service industry with legal experts from employment law firm Campbell Litigation. Learn legal options for immigrants to continue working in the hospitality and service industry;…

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10 July 2018

The Science Of Healthcare Professional Meetings, Webinar

Join the session to better understand how healthcare professionals decide whether or not to attend a professional meeting or event, and what meeting professionals can do to maximize upon the educational objectives of HCPs. Discover findings from recent research into why healthcare providers attend meetings and events; learn how maximizing content and networking at a medical…

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28 June 2018

Change Your Mindset: From Sales to Strategic Partner, Webinar

The meeting cycle looks a lot different than it did 10 years ago, and the challenges meeting professionals face continue to stymie their progress and impede the success of their events. But what does that mean to you, the supplier? It means that you are no longer being tasked with just providing a product, but…

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26 June 2018

OSHA in Hospitality and Service Organizations, Webinar

Hospitality and service industry workers have a right to a safe workplace. What does this mean? Join legal experts from employment law firm Campbell Litigation and explore key concepts of a safe workplace in the hospitality and service industry, including most common violations and guidance for limiting liability. Learn key principles of a safe workplace…

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29 May 2018

Track and Leverage Meeting Spend for Maximum Success, Webinar

Meetings are big investments and stakeholder expectations for measurable value based outcomes are at an all-time high. Understand trends that validate the need for a meeting activity, data & spend management process; Examine the umbrella of meeting data and value categories to track and incorporate into an action plan; Learn how to assess and leverage this data to enhance…

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22 May 2018

Three Keys for Handling Difficult People when Planning Events, Webinar

In this high-impact, interactive session, Jan Spence will share actionable tools event planners can utilize when dealing with the stressful, chaotic details of planning, prepping, and executing to truly surpass their role as a “just a meeting planner” by moving to the next level to become a show producer. Attendees will be challenged to step…

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15 May 2018

Meetings Outlook: A Deep Dive into the Latest Business Trends 5/18, Webinar

Meeting professionals are so over-taxed in the present, they often forget—or don’t have the time—to look ahead. Take a moment to preview the future based on MPI’s most recent Meetings Outlook research, published quarterly in The Meeting Professional magazine and then discuss the trends that are most affecting you and your peers. Brainstorm ways to…

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8 May 2018

Sexual Harassment in Hospitality and Service Organizations, Webinar

This webinar will explore sexual harassment claims in the wake of the #MeToo movement. Women make up a majority of the employees in hospitality and service organizations. The nature of their work contemplates the close involvement of guests/attendees with the goal of satisfying and/or exceeding guest/attendee expectations. Join legal experts from employment law firm Campbell Litigation and…

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28 March 2018

The Neuroscience of Creativity: Finding Your “Aha” Moment – Webinar

What do Albert Einstein, Walt Disney, and Bill Gates have in common? All are known for being brilliant in their respective fields, but none would have achieved that status without an “Aha” moment—a moment of sudden realization, inspiration, insight, recognition, or comprehension. This one-hour webinar will discuss the neuroscience of creativity and share a case study…

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7 June 2017

Membership Orientation – Webinar

Your membership with PCMA can put you on the right track to take your career to the next level. The information in this orientation program will help you to get started on your journey. PCMA is your gateway to the industry’s most relevant, cutting-edge information and knowledgeable leaders. So let’s get you prepped and ready…

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31 May 2017

Using Data to Improve Event Experiences and Revenues – Webinar

Many organizations are exploring more advanced conference data gathering methods to better understand attendee wants, needs, and behavior. While this is a fantastic step in moving towards a more data-guided approach, what does it mean to the organization, and what are the right business questions to ask and answer through this process? This webinar will…

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24 May 2017

Could 360° / VR be your most powerful medium? – Webinar

This webinar will aim to peek “behind the drape” and demystify 360° / VR technology while providing practical and relevant information to apply 360° / VR in your meeting or event. The meeting planner now has the ability to provide their stakeholders a preview of the final destination, and creative companies can immerse audiences &…

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4 May 2017

WEBINAR Liability Risks in Today’s Tumultuous Times

In today’s litigious society, the risk of liability is all around us.  In this session, we’ll discuss the application of well-known laws like the Americans with Disabilities Act to “disabilities” like food allergies as well as lesser known international laws such as the Volunteer Protection Act, U.K. Corporate Manslaughter Act, and “duty to rescue” laws….

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