Tag: London

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10 June 2018

City Fair, London, UK

City Fair is a one day event of pre-scheduled appointments dedicated to the lucrative and growing sector of city tourism organised by ETOA and ECM. City Fair gives European destination suppliers the opportunity to meet selected travel buyers in a productive business environment. One-day B2B event of up to 32 pre-arranged one-to-one meetings. Unique format of targeted business workshop with marketing opportunities

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12 June 2017

City Fair 2017, London, UK

City Fair is a one day event of pre-scheduled appointments dedicated to the lucrative and growing sector of city tourism organised by ETOA and ECM. This is a unique opportunity for European city tourist boards and their suppliers to meet, network and conduct business with tour operators and city product developers from all over the world.

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3 March 2017

M&IT Industry Awards 2017, London, UK

The M&IT Awards is a glamorous black-tie event which brings together more than 1100 top industry personnel to celebrate excellence in service and product, whilst networking with industry leaders and celebrity guests!

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