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7 October 2018

International Tourism Security Summit (ITSS), Jerusalem

ITSS aims to provide an innovative, practical and holistic view on destination marketing and image management in an era of security instability. The summit will focus on marketing preparedness for crisis, crisis communication, strategies for image restoration, resilience marketing, and reputation management in turbulent times. The summit is a meeting place for any travel and tourism…

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15 May 2018

INCON Digital Infrastructure Award 2018 @ IMEX Frankfurt, Germany

The INCON Digital Infrastructure Award rewards venues that invest in their infrastructure to ensure a flawless digital experience for meeting and conference guests. This year, INCON has opened the award to two categories – Convention Centres and Hotel Convention Venues. Winners will be announced at IMEX Frankfurt in May 2018.

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16 May 2017

INCON Digital Infrastructure Award 2017 @ IMEX Frankfurt, Germany

Deadline for entries: 28 February 2017. The Digital Infrastructure Award has been developed by INCON to celebrate and inspire change in the digital infrastructure and services made available in meeting venues around the world. The Award rests on a simple principle that meetings are better when a first class digital infrastructure is made available along with…

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