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26 June 2017

Certificate Training in Meeting Architecture, Turnhout, Belgium

The 5-Day Certificate Training in Meeting Architecture is an intense and hands-on training program on all the Meeting Architecture core elements. It brings fundamental classics like formats and techniques, creative group work, Interaction, Hybrid meetings, and more. In all these topics the latest innovations and technology are shown, demonstrated and used by the participants.

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4 July 2017

Certificate Training in Meeting Technology, Turnhout, Belgium

We carefully select 10 different technologies that will open up the entire scope of technology available today for meeting planners. Each technology gets a whole two hour session to install, set up, execute a mini project, experiment and discuss, and will be presented by an expert in that technology. This training is very much hands on; you experience the technology personally.

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15 June 2017

ICCA Sector Destination Marketing International Client/Supplier...

No other event offers the same opportunity for client and supplier to meet face-to-face and discuss future co-operation in a tailor-made Workshop environment. Participating bureaux can promote their company and services to senior decision-makers who are actively looking for destinations. Clients are also given some private time to network during the Client’s Forum.

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15 June 2017

ICCA Sector Destination Marketing International Client/Supplier...

No other event offers the same opportunity for client and supplier to meet face-to-face and discuss future co-operation in a tailor-made Workshop environment. Participating bureaux can promote their company and services to senior decision-makers who are actively looking for destinations. Clients are also given some private time to network during the Client’s Forum.

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