Host Destination: Minnesota

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26 October 2022

Destinations International | Advocacy Summit, Bloomington, MN, USA

Destination organizations are destined to continuously face periodic political attacks, unstable budget resources and potential failure unless they turn and focus on their ultimate customers – their residents. We believe that destination organizations must become a community shared value in order for the industry to move forward. It is time to stop being in a defensive…

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23 October 2022

Destinations International | CDME Fall Courses, Bloomington, MN, USA

The Certified Destination Management Executive (CDME) program prepares senior executives, who want to advance their careers to blend theory with experience and application of knowledge to help industry leaders thrive in a constantly changing environment. The program focus is on vision, leadership, productivity and implementing business strategies.

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Minnesota: Minneapolis, Medical Alley and MANOVA

Healthcare is changing rapidly, but its conferences have mostly stayed the same. The former General Mills Chief Marketing Officer, now 2023 Partners Chief Executive, Mark Addicks is working to change that. He’s about to stage MANOVA, a four-day health and technology summit in Minneapolis, part of Minnesota’s “Medical Alley”. From PCMA…

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