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7 August 2018

IAPCO EDGE Seminar, Guadalajara, Mexico

An IAPCO EDGE embraces all sectors of the Meetings Industry. The target audience is PCOs/Meeting Planners; National/International Organisations/Associations; Convention Bureaux/Tourism Bodies; Congress Centres/Conference Hotels; Exhibition Managers; Pharma and Medical Device Companies; DMCs; AMCs; Travel Agencies.

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15 January 2018

IAPCO EDGE Seminar, Florence, Italy

IAPCO EDGE embraces all sectors of the Meetings Industry; an educational programme fit to inspire and advance the best and brightest in the meetings industry. In addition, participants will partake in networking and social activities to further discuss key learning points in one of the most captivating backdrops in the world.

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18 September 2017

IAPCO EDGE Seminar, Kuala Lumpur, Asia

Meeting Professionals are invited to join us for a unique learning experience that is focused on a well-rounded look at conference management and the changing landscape of our industry. In order to maximize learning outcomes and networking opportunities, this seminar is strictly limited in size and allows for maximum interaction with faculty and industry experts.

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16 February 2017

IAPCO Annual Meeting & General Assembly, Dubai, UAE

With the Middle East region playing an increasingly prominent role in our industry’s future, I really encourage every one of you to experience Dubai and attend our 2017 General Assembly & Annual Meeting. The Meeting promises to be a wonderful mix of learning from thought leaders, tapping into what really matters in our world and…

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17 January 2017

IAPCO EGDE Seminar, Athens, Greece

Focused on professional congress organisation, these seminars will fill the existing void in international MICE education for the PCO and the Meeting Planner. Providing a destination focus, Destination Partners in IAPCO Education will be able to participate in the programme, showcasing their destination and bringing an international location perspective to EDGE.  

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