Host Destination: Jerusalem

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Jerusalem: “One Hub Nourishes the Other”

Building on a strong backbone of 17 academic institutions, Jerusalem has emerged as a hub for life science and biomedical companies. The holy city is today making groundbreaking achievements which attract the attention of associations around the globe, not least of which is playing a leading role across global research into cannabis. From Boardroom…

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7 October 2018

International Tourism Security Summit (ITSS), Jerusalem

ITSS aims to provide an innovative, practical and holistic view on destination marketing and image management in an era of security instability. The summit will focus on marketing preparedness for crisis, crisis communication, strategies for image restoration, resilience marketing, and reputation management in turbulent times. The summit is a meeting place for any travel and tourism…

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Jerusalem: The Space Legacy of IAC 2015

You might not think that the second man to walk on the moon would need a conference name badge. Back in 2015 Buzz Aldrin addressed the 66th International Astronautical Congress in Jerusalem. Hosted by the Israel Space Agency, the event saw over 2,000 participants brought together from 60 countries, and has left a significant legacy. From Boardroom…

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Jerusalem: Association Knowledge Hub

The longest inhabited city on the globe, Jerusalem is not only holy to three major world religions but also an evolving association destination. Thanks to the presence of 17 academic institutions, the Israeli capital is also a modern-day knowledge hub. It boasts the largest number of start-ups and venture capital investments per capita anywhere. From Boardroom…

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