Tag: Skift Meetings

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Maritz Acquires Convention Data Services from Freeman

From Skift Meetings: Maritz has acquired Convention Data Services (CDS), a registration, on-site and lead management company from global events company Freeman. The two companies have been competitors, but now Martiz will integrate CDS’ roughly 200 employees. This process will take anywhere from 12 to 36 months, according to Maritz CEO David Peckinpaugh. Maritz will…

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Gregg Talley: Building Human Connections and Communities

From Skift Meetings: Not many can say they grew up in the events industry, but Gregg Talley can. He has been at it for more than four decades. Gregg H. Talley is the chief executive officer of Talley Management Group, an association and event management firm that works with U.S. national global associations. Talley also…

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Associations Look to the Future

From Skift Meetings: Societal transformation and the future of association meetings were the themes an ICCA conference, part of Business Events Industry Week, held in the most apropos setting, ASAE’s headquarters. The International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA) held “The Future of Association Meetings and Societal Transformation,” a half-day conference at the headquarters of ASAE…

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Skift Presents This Year’s Megatrends

From Skift Meetings: For me, 2024 feels like a year on a precipice. So much of the world is in flux. From geopolitical unrest to the almost biblical levels of fires and floods and humanity’s rush into artificial intelligence – there’s a palpable sense of urgency. But in the travel industry, we’re lucky to work…

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