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14 May 2018

Data Privacy: Are You Ready for GDPR? Chicago, USA

The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a new, unified set of rules governing how personal information of EU residents must be managed, will take effect on May 25, 2018—marking the greatest change to data security and management in 20 years. But what about U.S. associations with no direct business operations in the EU? If…

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7 February 2018

How will GDPR affect how you manage your events? London, UK

The Society of Incentive Travel Excellence (Site) has assembled an impressive line-up of experts to help event industry professionals find their way around the upcoming EU General Data Protection Regulations without getting prosecuted. The session will be relevant for both the non-profit and corporate sectors. Costing from just £45 for the evening presentation, the session…

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