Tag: Padriac Gilligan

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The Implications of Latest McKinsey Research for Incentive Travel

By Pádraic Gilligan: Recent research from McKinsey into the way we travel now is crammed with exciting, actionable insights for organisers of incentive travel programs. While the McKinsey research focuses on leisure, the trends here tend to replicate themselves in incentive travel as, after all, the travel reward is specifically designed to motivate and reward…

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Why we Need to Re-Frame and Re-Position Incentive Travel

By Pádraic Gilligan: Recently I posted on sustainability and incentive travel concluding that current definitions / understandings of each rendered them as irreconcilable opposites – sustainability was “limiting”, requiring restraint, reduced consumption, thoughtful, conscientious behaviour while a travel reward was sans frontiers and sans souci, suggesting freedom, extravagance, conspicuous consumption.

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Communicating What’s Good about Business Events

By Pádraic Gilligan: Last May the Events Industry Council published the latest iteration of its Global Economic Significance of Business Events and valued business events’ contribution to global GDP at USD$1.6 trillion. This figure, in fact, would rank business events as the 13th largest economic stream globally. The EIC study, conducted in partnership with Oxford…

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