Destination Legacies – How to Feature

In January 2017, the Joint Meetings Industry Council (JMIC) presented a new advocacy channel promoting the value of business and professional events to government and business. The Iceberg was formed through a collaborative funding, content and distribution network of industry associations, publishers, events and practitioners. Collectively, this industry partnership is collaborating to identify and share the legacies of business and professional events in economic and social outcome terms – including yet beyond those of the immediate visitor economy, tax dividend, and hospitality employment that result from them. Between them, these partners also provide fortnightly outreach to an unrivalled community of meeting and business event planners worldwide by providing access to The Iceberg via a fortnightly digest, Business Events World.

You can view the extent of the partners and collective distribution network here.

These partners are now working locally in their regions, and vertically across business event sectors, to illustrate the legacies which can be enjoyed by institutions, corporations, associations and destinations from these face to face events. As well as illustrating best practise in legacy measurement of featured events, these stories will also be used to illustrate the transformative outcomes that result from events which can be realised by businesses and communities alike.

Here is a video explanation of The Iceberg by its curator, Robert Coren


Why case studies provide city branding and bid support for destinations

This form of storytelling will shine a light on some of the world`s knowledge hubs, where content and intellectual capital are the drivers of event success. Such storytelling will highlight the point of difference that the destination offers in sectors identified locally for growth. They will add significantly to the bid collateral of the featured city and provide tools which can be used by industry ambassadors, economic development agencies, and government departments seeking profile, through business events, in their chosen clusters of innovation.


Who to contact for expert storytelling

The Iceberg`s trade publishers and industry associations are available to destinations seeking professional storytelling and extended distribution of case studies over The Iceberg`s partner network. Cities and wider destinations are invited to contact their regional publishers or the editorial departments of the JMIC member associations with a view to securing features, articles, and case studies of great events in great cities. Please visit the Partners section of The Iceberg, or contact Megan Meeres ( / +44-(0)7703-173767) who can co-ordinate the briefing, costing, and distribution of these eventful features and case studies on behalf of the destination and direct them to the most appropriates storytelling partners within the network.


Enriching content through video

 If a destination, in partnership with a successful event owner and selected publisher or association, wishes to extend the written feature or case study through video, then please contact Megan Meeres on behalf of Fred Productions. Fred is a veteran agency within the business events sector and is renowned for its video storytelling on behalf of the JMIC members and also for partner publishers including  Intellectual Capitals (see Fred has also co-ordinated The Iceberg network of partners and is ideally suited to work alongside these storytelling partners.

On the subject of video support, see a recent introduction to this opportunity by  Melissa Van der Haak


Advertising on Business Events World

As a dot org The Iceberg carries no advertising. However, destinations and other suppliers can secure banner advertising on the masthead of the platform`s fortnightly newsletter, Business Events World. This opportunity is available at £1750 per issue and is the solitary opportunity for advertising to the global community of meeting and business event planners across the partner network of industry associations, publishers, and events. With a combined outreach exceeding 350,000 this is probably the largest outreach of any media outlet worldwide and can be secured via the local or regional publishers within the partner network. Please contact your regional or local publisher within the network to secure advertising within Business Events World. Alternatively, please contact Megan Meeres who will can also process an order on behalf of the local publisher.



Join the movement

JMIC and the industry coalition would be delighted to welcome great storytelling on the part of destinations and events through its partner resources. Not only will this add to the body of communication that can encourage greater investment by business and government into supporting the use of business events, but it can deliver a greater body of knowledge to emphasise the transformational nature of face to face meetings and events in any growth strategy.

On behalf of The Iceberg, please invest in storytelling. Not only can it support a destination`s own reputation in key sectors, we as an industry can elevate our role delivering on the growth strategies of businesses, professional communities and communities.

Thank you.

James Latham
Executive Producer
The Iceberg